Slave Ghost Stories: Tales of Hags, Hants, Ghosts, & Diamondback Rattlers ~ Nancy Rhynee

Slave Ghost Stories: Tales of Hags, Hants, Ghosts, & Diamondback Rattlers ~ Nancy Rhynee

Sandlapper Press
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A compilation of stories borrowed from former slaves of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. These tales were gathered by the WPA in the years 1935-1939. The slaves were asked questions about their family history and the widespread belief in spirits of various sorts.
According to these stories, the five main creatures that "walked the night" were hags, hants, boo-daddies, plat-eyes and ghosts. All had separate characteristics.
Hags disguised themselves as regular people, but a midnight they would shed their skin and torment their enemies, draining them of their energy.
Hants lived in trees and would torture their victims day and night. Boo-daddies were reincarnations of witch doctors.
Plat-eyes could take the form of an animal, sometimes changing from one animal to another.
Ghosts were seen coming out of graveyards at night. This book relates the stories of these spirits based upon eyewitness accounts of former slaves.